Photo Mosaic:
a picture made of pictures

  • 100% genuine and outstanding printing materials
  • 100% genuine highest-quality photo mosaics

  • 100% genuine secured picture-privacy

  • Handmade in Seattle

Photo Mosaic: a picture made of pictures

photo mosaic
  • 100% genuine and outstanding printing materials
  • 100% genuine highest-quality photo mosaics

  • 100% genuine customer satisfaction

  • 100% genuine secured picture-privacy

  • Handmade in Seattle

Photo Mosaic: a picture made of pictures

photo mosaic
  • 100% genuine and outstanding printing materials
  • 100% genuine highest-quality photo mosaics

  • 100% genuine customer satisfaction

  • 100% genuine secured picture-privacy

  • Handmade in Seattle

We ship via FedEx and accept Pay Pal and Credit Card.

Order your photo mosaic in 3 simple steps

1. upload photos

First, you choose a photo that should be the main image. Afterwards, you upload this photo along all other images four your mosaic via our website.

2. get a free preview

You will receive a draft of your photo mosaic from us. In case you want, we add changes to the preview before finalising the mosaic.

3. order photo mosaic

When you are happy with your preview, you can directly order and we send it to you, either as a digital file or printed on one of our genuine and outstanding printing materials.

A photo mosaic from MosaPics

Fotomosaik auf Poster

MosaPics creates real photo mosaics on which the individual images are clearly visible.

What is a photo mosaic?

A photo mosaic is a mosaic which consists of many small photos. Viewed from a distance, the small photos merge into a large overall picture. With MosaPics you can create a photo mosaic from your own photos! A photo mosaic can be created from a selection of 50 to several thousand individual photos. The rule is: the larger the selection, the better the representation of the main motif.

Photomosaic product selection

Due to our specialized printing process, we realize the highest printing quality on all materials offered. Furthermore, we can guarantee the best visibility of the individual images.

Photomosaic product selection

With our special production processes we achieve the highest print quality on all products for the best representation of the individual images.

Photomosaic product selection

With our special production processes we achieve the highest print quality on all products for the best representation of the individual images.

How do I recognize a real photo mosaic?

Fotomosaik mit Lupe

Real photo mosaics from MosaPics: We at MosaPics create a photo mosaic by arranging all of your small and individual pictures to create your main image. Therefore, you can see each oh the small pictures from close up, while from away you can see the main image.

Fake photo mosaics are usually only a collage of images, on which the main image has been transparently placed. Because of that you can hardly recognize the small photos.

Echtes FotomosaikFalsches Fotomosaik

Real photo mosaic

  • The small images „create“ the main image.

  • Small images are clearly visible.

Fake photo mosaic

  • The main image covers the small images.

  • Single images are poorly recognizable.

How do I recognize a real photo mosaic?

Fotomosaik mit Lupe

Real photo mosaics from MosaPics: We at MosaPics create a photo mosaic by arranging all of your small and individual pictures to create your main image. Therefore, you can see each oh the small pictures from close up, while from away you can see the main image.

Fake photo mosaics are usually only a collage of images, on which the main image has been transparently placed. Because of that you can hardly recognize the small photos.

Real photo mosaic (left)

  • The small images „create“ the main image.

  • Small images are clearly visible.

Echtes FotomosaikFalsches Fotomosaik

Fake photo mosaic (right)

  • The main image covers the small images.

  • Single images are poorly recognizable.

What customers say about MosaPics?

What customers say about MosaPics?

The further development of photo mosaics: partial mosaics

Fotomosaik mit ElternFotomosaik als Teilmosaik Eltern

Move the slider to see the difference. 🙂

What is a partial mosaic?

In a partial mosaic, a part of the main image that you define is placed above the photo mosaic.