Our personal service will gladly help you!

Under this link we have collected frequent questions from other customers, maybe this will help you. But you can also contact us directly.

For questions and suggestions the MakeMyMosaic team offers a personal contact! If you have questions about your photo mosaic that are not listed in the FAQs, feel free to contact us. If available, please include the order code to your order.

We will answer all your questions in a short time and will help you with every question.

For questions and suggestions the MakeMyMosaic team offers a personal contact! If you have questions about your photo mosaic that are not listed in the FAQs, feel free to contact us. If available, please include the order code to your order.

We will answer all your questions in a short time and will help you with every question.


    * Mandatory field

    We are looking forward to your message and will answer it within a short time.


      * Mandatory field

      We are looking forward to your message and will answer it within a short time.

      Our service team presents itself:

      „I am always pleased to have contact with so many different customers. I love the telephone service and look forward to your call with us. 😉“
      „I am a great animal lover and therefore I find animal mosaics the most beautiful. I am always happy when, for example, a sweet dog mosaic is requested.🙂“
      „I find it exciting to implement the different mosaic ideas of the customers. In doing so, they create such beautiful mosaics that you would love to hang them up yourself. 😉“
      „It has always been my dream to work with pictures and I am happy that my son has made this possible for me with MakeMyMosaic.🙂 My field of expertise are the partial mosaics, I am always happy about new exciting motives.“