Photo Mosaic Canvas Print

Why print a photo mosaic on canvas? First, it may appear to be of higher quality than a poster print? Futhermore, it is different from a mosaic in a picture frame? Finally. it looks more like an artwork? Yes, all of this is somewhat true. But, the biggest problem with canvas is the structure of the material. Printed on canvas, the small pictures will look fuzzy. For example, you are going to have problems identifying faces. Hence, the whole photo mosaic is not special anymore. Your photo mosaic won’t be breathtaking. It’s gonna be kind of ugly. Sad, but true.

Is there an alternative to canvas?

So, why to buy a photo mosaic canvas print? In our search for excellence, we found not only one but a few alternatives to canvas. Hence, for each canvas alternative, we are able to create a special and great photo mosaic that stands out with the sharpness of a luster print. These materials are superior to canvas and make your photo mosaic print look vivid and brilliant.

Hundemosaik Blogger

Our alternatives to a photo mosaic canvas

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If you need a digital file only. Ready to print in the desired size with 300dpi. No production and shipping time.

digital photo mosaic


Our photo mosaic posters are splash-proof, have a UV-resistant surface and provide you with the best printing resolution.

photo mosaic as poster


Gatorfoam is a new alternative to a photo mosaic canvas, allowing you to hang your breathtaking mosaic on the wall. It is the lower-cost alternative to other products such as acrylic glass or alu-dibond.

canvas alternative: gatorfoam


Birch is a natural product with a very cosy wooden look. With a special technique, we print your photo mosaic on this great natural material. Choose birch, if you want a brilliant looking photo mosaic printed on a renewable raw material. Eco-friendly? Definitely!

canvas alternative: birch


DiBond is modern material of very high-quality. It is made of aluminium with a low weight core. So, this photo mosaic canvas alternative has high structural rigidity and low weight. In comparison to a product that is made of pure aluminum, this option is more affordable and more resilient.

canvas alternative: alu di-bond

Acrylic (1/8″ or 1/4″)

Your photo mosaic on acrylic glass is an utterly luxury product. This photo mosaic canvas alternative looks exclusive, and goes well with modern homes and office areas. It’s also the perfect material for an extra special gift, such as a wedding present.

canvas alternative: acrylic glass